Nursery care is provided during worship services and other special events as needed. At LCF our nursery care is a ministry. Our goal with this ministry is to provide caring staff who nurtures and who serves as an essential introduction of young children to the family of God, while enabling parents to freely participate more fully in worship.
Nursery care is provided during church services Sunday morning (9 am & 10:45am) AND Monday evenings during the adult Bible study (6:30 - 8pm)
- We provide care for children Newborn – 3 yrs of age
- The Nursery will open 15 minutes prior to service.
- Only parents and volunteers are allowed at any time.
Check-In Procedures
- Please label all personal items (bottles, pacifiers, cups, etc.).
- First time guests will need to fill out our information card.
- You will be given an ID number that matches your child’s ID.
- Please notify nursery care volunteers of any special needs your child may have and provide any special instruction concerning the feeding of your child.